
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Take Me There: Bulk Aisle Tour

On Tuesday night I took a bulk aisle tour class at the Willy Street Co-op.  It's free for members.  I highly everyone who shops there to take it, it was informative and interesting.  I was surprised to learn that they have tea in bulk, in particular the Rishi tangerine-ginger tea I have been looking for.  Of course I bought some of that.  And I had to buy some more instant curry lentil soup from the bulk bins as well.  It's so tasty and handy to keep at your desk, all you need to do is add hot water and let it hydrate for a few minutes.  Some other things I loved about the tour is that I found out how to bring in your own containers (I feel so wasteful using bags) and that some things are certainly a better deal when you buy them from the bulk bins, but they're also honest about when it's cheaper to buy a non-bulk product.  And they now have a little pamphlet in the bulk area that tells you the details on how to cook everything in the bulk area, so you won't get home and wonder what to do with that amaranth or brown basmati rice.