
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chocolate Oat Bananakies (banana cookies)

Raw dough waiting to go in the oven.
The first time I made this banana-oat cookie (bananakies) recipe, I tried to make it as close to the original as possible, which is rare for me, I can never seem to leave well-enough alone.  I did add an egg though since I had previously had a run-in with an eggless cookie that didn't stay together.  The cookies were good, but I added some frosting on top because I had some leftover in the freezer and the cookies really needed it.

This time I modified the recipe to make a chocolate version by adding 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.  I was a little uncertain about not adding sugar to the recipe, but I figured I would try it pretty much as written and add a quick cream cheese frosting if they really needed it.

So when they came out of the oven I had to taste one right away to figure out if they needed frosting. And a few minutes later I had to have a couple more, just to be sure.  No frosting was needed, they are quite tasty on their own.  Even Husband Jeff likes them a lot. 

Finished cookies cooling on the rack.