
Monday, June 24, 2013

Menu Plan: Week of June 24

I was going to say that this is going to be another hectic week with a lot of things going on, but it seems like our summer is just going to be this way.  I have this personal goal to try to take advantage of the summer since the winters are so long here in Wisconsin, so I end up putting a lot of events on our calendar.

This week our meals are going to focus on the produce I bought at a couple farmers' markets over the weekend. 

  • Monday - We're going to an outdoor concert at a nearby park with another family and I'm thinking about packing our food up to be a picnic so we can eat it at the park.  But no matter where we eat, it's probably going to be sandwiches, kale salad (kale from the farmers' market), chips and salsa.
  • Tuesday - Sonny D starts swimming lessons tonight, so dinner has to be quick but not too filling, don't want anybody to get sick in the water.  I'm aiming to make sweet potato-chipotle soup in the slow cooker, throw together some salads, and saute some Swiss chard (farmers' market). 
  • Wednesday - I'm either meeting my best friend for lunch or for dinner, still not sure what's going on yet since her availability depends on someone else.  If we eat dinner at home, it's going to be grilled steak (farmers' market) along with, salads, pesto veggies and pasta (either as a cold salad or hot side dish. The basil for the pesto comes from our garden and the veggies are leftover from the weekend).
  • Thursday - Grandma and Grandpa will pick up Sonny D from daycare and I've got an exercise class, so I'll eat whatever I can find.
  • Friday - We're going to visit family for the weekend.  I'm going to pack a lunch for our drive, so probably more sandwiches, salads, and whatever items we should eat before they go bad. 
  • Saturday - away.  I'm going to try to make it my goal to go to a farmers' market while we're away.  I love exploring food in other places to see how it's different than at home.  I might find something interesting that I'll need to bring back and use to create some dishes.
  • Sunday - away