
Monday, August 19, 2013

Menu Plan: Week of August 19

dress, top, and pink pants.
I have totally been in a mood to shop and buy things. It's mainly been clothes, I think because its "back to school" time. In the last two weeks I've bought:

on eBay
  • 2 pairs of fun dress pants for work, one bright salmon pink and one royal blue
  • Two floral blazers - one pink and purple, the other blue and green
  • A teal and white striped casual top for fall
  • A halter dress that I hope I still get a chance to wear before the weather turns cold. I'd love to wear it to the Taste of Madison on Labor Day weekend.
blue pants and two blazers

from Old Navy
Two patterned workout tops, one purple and the other aqua

3 pairs of shoes - grey, nude, and teal. But I think the nude pair might get sent back because they seemed a little tight when I tried them on the other day.

Some of the items have arrived but others are still on their way. I love having the nice surprise of a package waiting on my doorstep when I get home from work.

Oh, and I bought two Madison Originals discounted restaurant certificates for Dobhan (fusion cuisine from Nepal and India) and Roman Candle Pizzeria (see Sunday's dinner plans).

I also signed up for two exercise classes for the upcoming fall semester - Core Fusion (my usual Saturday morning class) and PiYo, a class that I've never tried before, it's a mix of Pilates and yoga.

And I've been thinking of ordering the book the Flavor Bible. I totally enjoyed it when I borrowed it from the library and would really love owning it, but the thought of spending money on books just kills me since I'm such a cheapskate. I almost always get my books from the library or from super-duper sales where they're only $1-3 each.

If you happen to see me wearing any of these new clothes (or anything that looks new to you) definitely be sure to tell me how great I look in them so I can justify all the spending. :)

Progress on my mountain climber challenge

Weekly update on my progress for our virtual mountain climb - 635 steps since last Monday, 1,492 steps total, which is 64% of complete out of the total 2,330 steps. I keep increasing my daily totals, this past week I averaged about 90 "steps" per day compared with only 80 "steps" per day last week.

OK, so on to the meal plan!  We don't have a lot of family plans this week, but I've got three exercise classes like normal.

  • Monday - bacon pesto pasta (made with basil from our garden), regular green salad for husband Jeff, massaged kale salad for me.  I might roast up an eggplant too since we've got so many in the garden. Not sure what I'll do within the eggplant, last time I roasted it with intentions to make baba ghanoush but I ended up eating it on salads for lunch. 
  • Tuesday - Zumba class again for me but no swimming for Sonny D. Last week was the last swim class of the semester and he can't sign up for the next one until he's three years old by the time class starts.  The sessions start in September and October but since his birthday is in November he's going to have to wait until the spring semester for more swimming lessons.  For dinner I want to check out the food carts that come to our neighborhood for the weekly Meet and Eat neighborhood events in August. 
  • Wednesday - I love any reason to have breakfast for dinner and Sonny D's swimming lessons gave me that weekly excuse for a quick and tasty breakfast-for-dinner. So now that swimming is done, I don't have a convenient reason but I'm hoping to make a new recipe, that's my excuse now. I want to make scrambled eggs with either French toast waffles again or sweet potato pancakes. Plus we've got a can of spray whipped cream, so I guess that's all the reason you need to have something like waffles! 
  • Thursday - it's my last Total Toning class for the semester (this is a makeup class for a previously cancelled class) and class starts at 5:45, which is so early!  I can barely get home and eat a modest amount of food before busting out the door again.  So I'm planning to make slow cooker chicken tikka masala (planned for last week but never had it) with brown jasmine rice. 
  • Friday - I found a recipe for pizza crust that uses beer and doesn't need a lot of rising time, so I'm game to try it out. 
  • Saturday - I've got Zumba class in the morning and I was thinking about contacting friends to see if they wanted to go out brunch at Eldorado Grill.  In the afternoon we're attending a grillout to celebrate the marriage of one of Husband Jeff's close friends.  A grillout is always fun. 
  • Sunday - On Sunday morning we'll head up to north side farmers' market like usual to get spring rolls for me and eggrolls for Sonny D.  Sonny D loves buses, so for dinner we're going to hop on the city bus at the north transfer point by our house, ride to Roman Candle Pizzeria to sample their finest, and then ride the bus home.