
Monday, November 4, 2013

Menu Plan: Week of November 4

This week's menu plan was hurriedly thrown together on late Sunday evening because I've been busy with work and then we were away on Sunday evening having dinner with friends.
  • Monday - salads with slow cooker beef tips and noodles
  • Tuesday - salads with lasagna soup
  • Wednesday - leftover soup and roasted veggies I bought at the farmers' market.
  • Thursday - frozen homemade pancakes and scrambled eggs
  • Friday - soup and bagels
  • Saturday - Our Breakfast Club group (our family plus our friends Chuck and John) is getting together for breakfast at the Prairie Diner. For dinner maybe we'll have black pepper caramel shrimp with rice.
  • Sunday - My best friend and I are celebrating our birthdays, we're going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Packer game together.