
Monday, February 10, 2014

Meal Plan: Week of February 10

Happy Oatmeal Monday!  Ok, I admit that I had never heard of this holiday, but it showed up in my food holidays calendar in Google Calendar and I can't ignore anything connected with oats/oatmeal.  It's celebrated the second Monday in February and was originally created to allow the poor 17th century Scottish university students time to get oatmeal, one of the main foods they ate.  To join in, I had buttermilk-banana-cinnamon-raisin oatmeal this morning.  The buttermilk made it a little tangy, similar to what it might be if you threw a tablespoon of yogurt in your oatmeal.  I don't know if I would buy buttermilk just for my oatmeal, but if I have some leftover for a recipe I would consider using it up this way.   
  • Monday - We're touring Sonny D's new preschool in the morning, he starts at the end of next week. For dinner we're having tacos along with roasted broccoli with garlic & anchovy.  Our hope is to acclimate Sonny D's tastebuds to Mexican food.  He liked tacos when he tried them previously but generally doesn't care for Mexican food, so we'll see how it goes. 
  • Tuesday - We're taking Husband Jeff's parents out for his mother's birthday.  Celebrate!
  • Wednesday - Another one of my favorite breakfast-for-dinner nights, I want to try Bisquick mini "pies" made with banana chunks (more like muffins, but that's what they're called), pancakes, and egg "waffles".  The egg "waffles" are essentially omelets made in the waffle iron.  It might be a horrible mess, but I want to give it a shot.
  • Thursday - I want to go to cardio dance fitness and feel like pulling out a frozen container of chili since the weather is so cold.
  • Friday - Happy Valentine's Day!  I'm going with an easy meal of pasta with grilled chicken (done up on the George Foreman grill) and pesto sauce.  I'll pick out a frozen veggie at the last minute and make chocolate mousse for dessert. 
  • Saturday - We're having dinner out with friends.
  • Sunday - Our Breakfast Club is getting together for our first meeting of 2014 at Ironworks Cafe. Husband Jeff and I met there for lunch one day and loved the food.  It's part of a teen employment program, they help kids get skills so they can get jobs in the future.