
Monday, February 17, 2014

Menu Plan: Week of February 17

This past week Sonny D tried tacos and seemed to enjoy them, so that's nice. I'll try to make more tacos in the future.  I made an awesome chocolate "mousse" recipe on Valentine's Day that I'll need to share.  I was unsure if it was going to work since it mixes chocolate and water, but it was so cool.  Plus Sonny D got to use the whisk, which was loads of fun, we made a splattery mess all over the kitchen wall.  On Saturday we spent all day with our friends Val & Scott and their girls Evah and Marin in Cedarburg for the winter festival, which was fun.  Our Breakfast Club brunch on Sunday was pretty disappointing, the service at Ironworks Cafe could have been better but the food was generally tasty, when it was cooked correctly. Our friend John's pancakes weren't done inside (pancakes shouldn't have a "cream filling") and I'm pretty sure my egg dish didn't have the cheese. Oh well, we tried it out and found it lacking, on to more greasy spoons. Oh, and brunch ended with Sonny D spilling an entire glass of orange juice on himself and Husband Jeff.  It was super-pulpy orange juice and it looked live vomit.  Gross.

This week Sonny D's making the transition from daycare to preschool.  We've got a countdown calendar and we mark off each day and are talking about the new school in glowing terms.  I've mentioned the classroom hamster a few times, I think he'd like it.  And I'm also talking up the outdoor play area, it's so much more room than his current daycare.  And I am buying him new slippers that he'll get to wear there since they don't wear shoes inside.
  • Monday - I made bean soup on Sunday so we'll have those leftovers along with some leftover grilled chicken and roasted cauliflower.  Sonny D will probably eat avocado smashed on a brown rice cake instead of cauliflower, but I'll try to get him to take a bite to try it.
  • Tuesday - We're going out for dinner at Culver's for a fundraiser night for Sonny D's new preschool.
  • Wednesday - We're taking Sonny D to visit his new preschool first thing in the morning. For dinner I want to finish off the partial package of hot dogs hanging out in our freezer, along with the sauerkraut my coworker's husband made and frozen sweet potato french fries.
  • Thursday - I'm going to my Zumba class right after work and maybe husband Jeff and I will meet for dinner afterwards, but his brother is coming to town, so he'll probably want to hang out with him. 
  • Friday - Sonny D's first day of preschool! He's going to help me pack his lunch, so hopefully he'll get excited about that.  For dinner I want to make tuna melts (and possibly add curry) but Husband Jeff was a little skeptical when I mentioned it since he's not a big fan of tuna.  He's eaten it before though and has liked it.  But this combines tuna with mayo, his dreaded arch-enemy.  I want to make a rice and sweet potato side dish,  But once again, with his brother in town, we might end up doing something different, maybe going out for dinner.
  • Saturday - I'm skipping my regular core fusion class to go to the earlier Zumba class before a graveside service and luncheon for Husband Jeff's maternal grandma. For dinner I'll probably take the easy way out and make breakfast, waffles/pancakes/French toast, maybe some eggs, and turkey breakfast sausages.  I've got a recipe bookmarked where you thinly slice apple rings and dip them in pancake batter and fry, so maybe I'll get to try that.
  • Sunday - In the afternoon I'm going shopping with my friend Jessica at the nearby outlet mall. Of course I've already started a shopping list of things I want to buy, I want to go to the Pyrex store to buy more food storage containers.  For dinner we'll have toasted bagels with veggie cream cheese and a can of soup.