
Monday, March 10, 2014

Menu Plan: Week of March 10

Things have been busy, I've been cooking but haven't had time to write up any of my adventures.  If I can find a little time, I'll at least pull the pictures together so you can see what's been going on in my kitchen.

  • Monday - I have an adoption group board meeting after dinner, so we need to be somewhat quick.  We'll have Trader Joe's vegetarian pizza burgers, salads, and sweet potato + rice side dish. Well, officially it's called a salad but seems silly to list two salads for dinner. 
  • Tuesday - I'd like to go to cardio dance fitness, but I feel bad being gone for two nights in a row, so I'll either exercise at home in the morning if I wake up early or over lunch.  For dinner I decided we'll be adventurous and eat the contents of the unknown Pyrex dish (looks like some sort of stew?) that I socked away in the freezer and didn't label.  If that ends up being something scary, we'll have taco salads since our crisper drawer is overflowing with salad greens. 
  • Wednesday - Sonny D's school is doing a community lunch, so I don't need to pack a lunch for him today.  It's nice to have less to worry about in the morning.  For dinner our friends Brian & Kristen are coming over and we'll have soup from the freezer, creamy tomato-basil soup and white chicken chili.  We'll also grab an artisan bread from the freezer. 
  • Thursday - I've got cardio dance fitness after work and then Husband Jeff and I might meet out for dinner somewhere for a date night. 
  • Friday - Today is Pi(e) day (3.14) so I was thinking I'd make sweet potato Mexican shepard's pie.  I never liked shepard's pie growing up and haven't eaten it since, but a Mexican version sounds good.  Mine will probably be a vegetarian version since I don't think we have any ground beef at home.  I'll use textured vegetable protein flavored with taco seasoning and throw in a bunch of veggies like shredded zucchini, chopped spinach, sauteed onions & peppers, tomatoes with green chiles, maybe black beans.  And then top it with cheesy mashed sweet potatoes. 
  • Saturday -  I've got Core Fusion exercise class in the morning, but we don't have any real plans.  Maybe we'll have lunch out and spaghetti with red sauce for dinner. 
  • Sunday - My enthusiasm for planning kind of petered out by the end here, so I only came up with "egg dish" since we bought a dozen eggs at the grocery store.