
Monday, June 16, 2014

Menu Plan: Week of June 16

What Happened Last Week

On Monday we went to the Jet Room to celebrate Sonny D's last week of school. I had such a huge Mexican omelet (add spinach and mushrooms) with an English muffin that I didn't even have lunch that day. 
Monday's breakfast at the Jet Room.

Tuesday we had a landscape designer come from a local nursery to sketch up an idea for an area of our front yard.  A couple weeks ago Husband Jeff tore out a bunch of old bushes that the previous owners seemed to neglect and let get overgrown. We liked the idea the designer came up with and told him to create a full plan for us with specifics.  The cost of his services are included in the price of the plants we'll buy from the nursery, so we figured it was worth it.  Sometimes it pays to have professional help. 

For our Me & D night, we went to the newly renovated public library downtown.  It's been open for probably a year now, but this was my first time going there.  We ended up having to pay $5 to park in the nearby ramp because it was a special event night (Grr!  Wish I had known that before I suggested going downtown!).  Aside from totally overpaying to park, we had a nice time at the library.  He played on a Lego table for a while, we found some more Elmer the Patchwork Elephant books to check out, and he loved the games in the iPad center.  One activity app (Endless Alphabet) he enjoyed was one where the letters from a word get scattered around the screen and you have to drag the letters back to their correct spot in the word.  He was really good at it and I'm considering buying it, but a bit hesitant since it's $7.  I'm sure I'll spring for it if we need to entertain him for a long time, like we're talking about flying somewhere for vacation.  Near the parking ramp we walked through a road under construction, which Sonny D loved since I told him this is where the excavators work during they day.  He loves construction equipment, he calls all of them generically "tractors" but will call them by name if you tell him what they are. 

I took Thursday afternoon off to hang out with Sonny D since his preschool was closed for the transition from the regular school year to "summer camp".  We ran errands downtown and ate lunch at the Fried & Fabulous food truck.   Next time I'll look for something a little healthier, but it was fun to eat outside on a bench on The Square and watch the electric company replacing street lights. 

And we took Friday off to drive up to Minneapolis for a family gathering at Husband Jeff's brother's house.  We had good weather on Friday, but it rained all day Saturday and Sunday.  We somehow successfully went out to lunch with 13 people (three were children under 7), had a great meal at my brother-in-law's house, and managed to get Sonny D into the hotel pool twice. 

This Week

  • Monday - We're going to a concert at the local park near our house and grabbing takeout pizza.
  • Tuesday - I've got Zumba at 6:30, so I'm going with my usual quick-meal fallback, breakfast-for-dinner.  This time I'm making scrambled egg quesadillas and sausage.
  • Wednesday - I'm going to a Moms' Night Out event at K Peppers Korean restaurant.  I'm happy to be going without Sonny D so I can get the bibimbop, which I like served in a ultra-hot rock bowl.  I've always been afraid of him touching it and burning himself.  Husband Jeff is on his own with Sonny D for dinner.  He said he didn't want me to plan out a meal for them, but I will give them food ideas.
  • Thursday - I'm going out for a family birthday dinner at Manna Cafe (newly serving dinner so I'm excited to try it, their lunch items are great) and then to a chocolate tasting at Gail Ambrosius Chocolatier.  Husband Jeff is responsible again for dinner. 
  • Friday - It's Me & D night but later I'm also going out to an Arbonne skin care and cosmetics party at a friend's house.  We'll have to do our activities early so I can head out for the party.  For dinner I was planning on more grilled pizza, this time with chicken, pesto sauce, and artichoke hearts.
  • Saturday - I've got Zumba at 8 a.m. and then afterwards we're going out for a special breakfast.  The community rec program is having a pontoon breakfast, you ride a pontoon boat across the lake, go have breakfast/brunch at the restaurant they drop you off at, and then afterwards ride back across the lake.  I promised Sonny D I'd get him on a boat this summer, so this was my solution.  I hope we have a lot of fun.  We're still trying to determine what activity we'll do for the rest of the day, either the dragon boat races at Capital Lakes DragonFest or Strawberry Fest. I didn't plan dinner because it'll depend on what we do for the day. 
  • Sunday - I'm excited for our usual Northside farmers' market visit, it'll be neat to see what new produce is available at the market since we missed it last week. For dinner I was thinking something Mexican, either tacos or maybe Mexican beef over polenta.  It's usually pretty easy to throw Mexican food together.