
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Menu Plan: Week of February 2

Monday - Mexican Rodrigo-style fish that I've been planning for a week and leftover lentil soup I made in the pressure cooker on Sunday night. I think I screwed the soup up a bit by adding the acidic tomatoes at the beginning, which can make is to the beans don't soften. I cooked them the stated length of time, tasted and added a few more minutes. They were still a little firm, but good enough to eat. They continued to soften as they sat.  Husband Jeff was a sweetheart about it, saying that he thought they were good and that he wants them to have some texture. We'll also have the leftover popovers I made, they turned out pretty good even though I used white whole wheat flour (it can be a little more dense).

Tuesday - As usual, Sonny D get picked up by grandma and grandpa and I've got Zumba in the evening so no dinner planned other than my toast with almond butter. I convinced Husband Jeff to come with me to Zumba every Tuesday in February, so we'll be working out together for the next couple of weeks. I hope he likes it, I totally love it. 

Wednesday - My friend Heather and I prepped some freezer meals a couple weeks ago. Last week I made my first one, a slow cooker Moroccan squash dish. Today I'll cook another one, this time it's  pressure cooker chicken ratatouille. I'll probably make some plain pasta to go with it. I have to admit, I've never had ratatouille before, this will be my first time. 

Thursday - This is my last week of taste training at Oscar Mayer/Kraft, next week we'll take the big acuity exam.  It's so big they split it over two days. Cross your fingers for me!  For dinner we'll have shrimp with beans and feta. It's supposed to be made with white/northern beans but I've only got a can of garbanzos in the pantry, so that's what I'm going to use. 

Friday - my last day of taste training before the big test. Eek!  I saw in the Northside newspaper event calendar that there is a church chili supper going on tonight, so that's where're headed. For some reason I love church meals like this. I also love to support the community. 

Saturday - my usual core fusion exercise class in the morning. In the afternoon I'm setting up for our Korean adoption group's Korean New Year event (called Seollal). We'll have Korean food for dinner there at the event. 

Sunday - Greek feta-stuffed lamb burgers with yogurt sauce.