
Monday, March 30, 2015

Menu Plan: Week of March 30

Random Things From Last Week

Sunday - I bought the Garnier anti-dark circle eye roller and a lilac nail polish (Sally Hansen's 'No Hard Feelings). I'm totally in love with both!  I still haven't figured it out, but I think the eye roller is a combo of concealer (that part I'm sure about) and some form of skincare to make under eye circles look better without the makeup. And the lilac nail polish is perfect for spring, a lovely pastel.

Monday - Here's a pic from the gym, I'm still pumping iron.
At the gym.

Tuesday - Ever see some furniture out on the curb for the garbage truck and think "oh my gawd, that is so dirty. Was that disgusting thing in your house and you were sitting on it just yesterday?"

I'm interested in the whole 30 diet after reading this blog post from Yum Yucky. The girl's results are impressive and was thinking it might be something to try, you know kind of as a challenge for myself to see if I can go without sugar and carbs for a month.  I mentioned it to Husband Jeff and he's on board.  We've talked and we'll start it the day after his birthday (April 23).  So look for details on that coming up.  It means we'll go without any grains, legumes/soy, sugar, alcohol, or dairy.   That means no oatmeal for me!  Figuring out all our meals for the cleanse will be fun since I love planning.

Wednesday - Question overheard at the gym between three old gals on the treadmills - "what is your favorite snack food? " 
I didn't stick around to hear the answers because I had my headphones in, but I think one gal mentioned peanuts.  My snack of choice is popcorn. There was popcorn at the Honda dealership yesterday and I only had a small bag. But was quite good, especially for not-home-popped.  

On my way out of the gym I had a fantasy where the two people talking on their cell phones were trying to get me, and I needed to pull out some super awesome moves to avoid capture. Made me think that I either want to be a ninja or a superhero. Or maybe like a secret spy. Is there a place that'll teach me how to be a super-secret spy?

ThursdaySo you know how sprouted seeds are supposed to be good for you?  I had a "duh!" moment the other day when I realized I should try sprouting chia seeds for my breakfast. I guess I always thought processed grains/seeds/whatever couldn't be sprouted, that the sprouting-ness was gone because it had been heat-treated or whatever. Like you can't sprout roasted almonds, right? Not sure when I'll get around to it, but that's on my list. 

Sunday - I decided to transfer everything left in the basement chest freezer to the upstairs freezer.  Then I turned off the chest freezer to let it defrost.  It ended up that everything fit in the upstairs freezer, but just barely.  So we're still on a mission to still eat as much from the freezer as possible until I can get the time to wash down the chest freezer.  And then if we're doing the Whole30 cleanse/detox, we certainly won't want all that bread around! 
Freezer remnants got moved.

This Week 

Tuna casserole with crunchy panko breadcrumbs and parmesan on top.
  • Monday - Sonny D is on spring break, so we visited my parents.  I made tuna noodle casserole for dinner and it was great!  I loved the cream cheese in the sauce, it made it creamy and thick. The only ingredient it used from the freezer was peas, but we had a partial bag of them that we finished, so that felt good. 
  • Tuesday - Husband Jeff is taking off to hang out with Sonny D and I.  Today's plan is to go to State Street, the pedestrian mall area downtown.  Think we'll attempt to eat lunch down there.  No dinner because we'll drop Sonny D off with Grandma & Grandpa and have a little something before we go to Zumba.
  • Wednesday - I was originally planning we'd have waffles from the freezer with strawberry sauce (from the freezer) and salads, but the tuna noodle casserole made a lot so we should eat those leftovers.  Maybe we'll eat the casserole for lunches and still have the waffles for dinner.  
  • Thursday - Hanging out with Sonny D's friends in the morning since they're off for spring break as well.  For dinner I was hoping we'd get a take & bake pizza from Aldi since I've heard great things about it, but we've already got a Trader Joe's deep-dish pizza in the freezer that we should eat first.  In the evening I'm having a WildTree party so I'll have lots of snacks and things to nibble on. Everything at the party will pretty much be gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free so my friend Heather can sample as much as possible.
  • Friday - No plans for the day, but my friend Heather invited us over for dinner.  I'm making a fun non-alcoholic beverage to bring. 
  • Saturday - I don't have Core Fusion in the morning because it's spring break, but I'll try to get some exercise in, especially since I won't get much time for it during the week. More swimming lessons for Sonny D.  He wasn't a fan of the lessons last week with his regular teacher, hopefully things go better this week.  In the afternoon my friend Heather and I talking about exploring an Asian/Indian market.  I was thinking I'd make Indian for dinner as well.  That's another meal where I don't think we'll use anything from the freezer (unless I can sneak in some shredded zucchini), but we would use up some packets in the cupboard. 
  • Sunday - We're having Easter brunch at Jeff's Aunt Nancy's house, that'll probably be an indulgent affair.  I was thinking for dinner we'd have tofu parmigiana (tofu from the freezer) with a bit of pasta.  Maybe salads if we still have some greens left.