
Monday, June 23, 2014

Menu Plan: Week of June 23

Last week 

On Monday we went to the summer concert series and saw a neat mariachi band.  Sonny D was really tired that night, so we went home early. 

I attended another delicious chocolate tasting at Gail Ambrosius Chocolatier, led by Gail herself.  She always does a great job of making it interesting and I learned something new even though it was my second time.  And who can turn down great samples!
Gail explaining chocolate. 
We had a windy and chilly pontoon boat ride to breakfast but it turned out really good.  Sonny D did great, he asked questions and was well behaved.  The breakfast itself was only ok, but it was about the boat ride anyway. 
Pontoon boat ride down the river and across two lakes. 
On Sunday morning we met up with friends at the farmers' market.  I think I've gotten them hooked on my favorite spring rolls.  And then later in the day, Sonny D was really patient while a friend and I browsed all over the Viet Hoa Asian market and even ate lunch there. 

This Week

It seems like this week will be pretty quiet, which is always nice. Last week I was really busy and was gone three nights in a row.  
  • Monday - Taco salads and then down to the park for the weekly summer concert, this week it's Ladies Must Swing.  As you can guess, they're a swing group.  Sonny D said he was interested in going, but said he didn't want to dance. 
  • Tuesday - If I'm feeling ambitious on Monday night, I'm going to make BBQ pork in the pressure cooker and caramelized onions in the slow cooker.  I need to make it the night before because it takes a full hour of cooking.  If I end up being lazy, I'll make us French toast for dinner instead.  Then I've got Zumba afterwards.
  • Wednesday - Our friend Chuck is coming over for salads and grilled pizza.  
  • Thursday - I've got Zumba right after work and the guys will eat leftovers of the BBQ pork but maybe some pizza too. 
  • Friday - Maybe we'll have a simple meal for dinner, hot dogs and a veggie.  This is our weekly Me & D night, but I don't have any plans so far.  We're also talking about going out dancing at an event called The Disco Ball that night if we can find a babysitter.  Husband Jeff and I will have to brush up on our dance moves before we go. 
  • Saturday - I've got Core Fusion in the morning and then in the afternoon Sonny D and I are meeting up with my best friend and her 8-year-old twins for playing at the park and a picnic dinner.  I think I'm going to bring tuna salad sandwiches, fruit, a packaged Asian snack (I buy all sorts of things at the Asian market like cuttlefish snacks and flavored seaweed), and a juice box for Sonny D. 
  • Sunday -  Our regular weekly visit to the Northside farmers' market and then in the afternoon a baby shower for our friends Brian & Kristen. We might get enough to eat at the baby shower that dinner won't be much, maybe a can of soup and sandwiches or leftovers if we've got them.