
Monday, June 30, 2014

Menu Plan: Week of June 30

Last Week

On Monday we went to our credit union and started the paperwork to switch to a 12-year mortgage. It would be so great to have all of the house payments taken care of sooner than our original 30-year mortgage.

On Wednesday we had our friend Chuck over to make grilled pizza. Each person got a own pizza crust and put their toppings on.

On Friday Husband Jeff and I tried to go out to a '70s disco dance night, but we were so tired after a long week that we didn't make it too long.  We had a couple drinks, danced for a bit, and were home by about 11:00.

On Saturday morning Husband Jeff and Sonny D went out in the canoe while I was at Core Fusion class.  Husband Jeff was excited to try out his new roof rack for his car he had gotten the day before, he said it made the canoe transporting process so much easier since Sonny D is going to be too small to help for several more years.

On Saturday afternoon I met up with my best friend at the town half way between our houses.  Our kids played at the park and we had a picnic dinner in the park gazebo.  I loved how quiet the town was, not many cars drove past.  Afterwards we treated the kids to frozen custard at Culver's.

On Sunday Sonny D and I went to the farmers' market.  I bought spring rolls, orange-carrot-ginger juice, snap peas, eggs, strawberries, and raspberries.  I've found that Sonny D likes fruit with chocolate, so that's my latest strategy to get more fruits into him.  For the strawberries I drizzle on some chocolate syrup, for the raspberries I tuck a small chocolate chunk inside. In the afternoon we went to our friends' baby shower, it was a cute fiesta Mexican theme, which is always a great idea for the food. 

This Week

  • Monday - On Sunday evening I cooked up a pork shoulder in the pressure cooker and so we're going to have BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with caramelized onions, along with salads, cherries, and strawberries.  Maybe after dinner we'll head over for the weekly concert at the nearby park or take Sonny D out on his little scoot/balance bike. 
  • Tuesday - We'll have more BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and then after dinner I've got Zumba.
  • Wednesday - Cheesy Canadian bacon egg casserole with sweet potatoes.  I'm not sure how I'm going to cook the sweet potatoes yet, shredded hashbrowns? roasted chunks with seasoning? incorporated into the egg bake or on the side?
  • Thursday - Tonight we'll have fish, either frozen Trader Joe's fish Vera Cruz or if Husband Jeff goes out with his dad that night, or Sonny D and I will share a smaller frozen Trader Joe's hake en papillote entree.
  • Friday - For the Fourth of July we're having dinner with both sets of our parents over at my in-laws house.  I'm bringing lemon-basil chickpea salad or massaged kale salad and completely homemade baked beans. 
  • Saturday - Core fusion might be cancelled since there are Fourth of July festivities going on in the same park so Zumba is my fallback plan.  The Fourth of July celebration at the park includes parade, activities, games, music, food. Then in the afternoon I'm having a Mary Kay party.  Thinking about making chocolate banana eclair cake, also known as icebox cake.  This version would be banana pudding mixed with Cool Whip and then layered between graham crackers with chocolate sauce. It'll be a busy day so dinner will be quick and easy -- pasta with red sauce and garlic bread.
  • Sunday - We'll hit the farmers' market like usual in the morning. For dinner I'm totally skipping anything homemade and pulling out a frozen entree, Newman's Own broccoli and beef with rice, along with any leftovers we've got